Powering Global Science and Better Project Management – Meet Jennifer O’Connor, Senior Project Management Consultant

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Discovering the origins of the universe and new physics theories may sound like a daunting task, but a team of global scientists at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland is tackling some of mankind’s biggest questions head-on. One LHC experiment, ATLAS, is designed to detect particles created by the proton collisions the LHC creates. ATLAS has already made great strides, including discovering the Higgs boson.

MRC senior project management consultant Jenn O’Connor has been supporting the U.S. collaboration team for the project, which recently wrapped up phase one. The U.S. ATLAS team had been struggling with the Earned Value Management System surveillance reviews required throughout the project. With Jenn’s guidance, the team implemented in-depth training for the Cost Account Managers (CAMs), and the tide was turned in less than a year. Phase one of the project finished ahead of schedule and under budget.

“We’ve had several successful reviews, including a CD-4 review in early July that is required for approval to close out phase one,” Jenn says. That approval was granted on August 19th and Phase one has successfully completed.

Jenn has already jumped into phase two of the ATLAS experiment and says she’s excited by the opportunity to continue working with the amazing team at LHC. Work on phase two has picked up speed quickly, making for a busy schedule. Jenn has been involved in laying the foundation for EVM in phase two and is helping develop the plan from the ground up.

“There’s been no break in the action, but I enjoy it,” she says.

Jenn also works with MRC client National Grid and supported the utility’s recent software upgrades. She has been fascinated by the energy industry throughout her two-decade-career in  project management.

“There’s so much benefit in project management for that industry,” Jenn says. “It can be challenging to introduce EVM, but once you show leadership the value of the reports, the company can excel.”

Off the clock Jenn stays busy with her four children, two dogs, two cats and bearded dragon!   She regularly plays volleyball and softball, loves to kayak, travel and has very eclectic taste in reading. Currently she is immersing herself in a Dean Koontz novel.